kembar siang visitor

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sinopsis/Synopsis Kembar Siang

Kembar Siang menceritakan tentang kehidupan Awal dan Awi sepasang kembar seiras. Awal abang dan Awi adik. Awal normal tetapi Awi sedikit terencat dan lurus bendul kerana pernah mengalami demam panas. Tetapi Awi mempunyai daya ingatan dan kemahiran mengira yang luarbiasa dan sering memberi tuisyen kepada Mazli dan Izan, anak sekolah yang sering menemaninya. Awal dan Awi mewarisi rumah dan kedai runcit peninggalan arwah bapa mereka Haji Sabran. Pengurusan kedai runcit itu dilakukan oleh mereka berdua: Awal jadi bos dan Awi jadi pekerja.

Kedai runcit Awal dan Awi mempunyai saingan dengan sebuah lagi kedai runcit di seberang jalan milik Pak Din Duda. Tapi Awal dan Awi telah dipesan oleh arwah bapa mereka bahawa dalam berniaga mesti sentiasa jujur dan mesra pelanggan. Ini berbeza dengan sikap dan perangai Pak Din Duda yang sentiasa mencari peluang untuk mengaut keuntungan. Pak Din Duda yang sudah tiga kali menduda mempunyai seorang pekerja, Mak Yam. Tetapi Mak Yam tidak dibayar gaji tetap, tetapi dibayar komisyen pada setiap jualan. Mak Yam mendapati komisyennya sangat sedikit. Kedai Pak Din Duda tidak dikunjungi ramai pelanggan kerana barang-barangnya yang sedikit dan harganya pula mahal.   

Pak Din Duda melihat Awi yang rajin dan mahu Awi bekerja di kedainya kerana dia sendiri lebih suka berehat dari bekerja. Pak Din Duda pujuk Awi dan berjanji akan carikan gadis cantik jadi isteri Awi. Tetapi rahsia Pak Din Duda terbongkar bila dia sendiri tak dapat membezakan yang mana Awi dan yang mana Awal. Kadang-kadang dia terlepas cakap pada Awal yang disangkanya Awi.

Ani, teman wanita Awal tidak tahu boy-friendnya mempunyai adik kembar seiras. Ani tergamam bila melihat Awal yang dikenali sebagai taukeh, bos atau pengurus kedai, tiba-tiba mengangkut tong gas, membawa barang dapur atas motorsikal roda tiga dan memarut kelapa. Ani syak Awal cuba berselindung dan menipunya.

Seorang penagih dadah yang masuk mencuri di rumah Awal dan Awi juga tergamam dan menjerit bila mendapati Awi yang sedang tidur di dalam bilik berada di warung luar rumah waktu dia mahu melarikan diri. Di waktu yang lain budak yang sama menjerit ketakutan bila Awi yang masuk ke toilet di belakang kedai runcit tiba-tiba mendekatinya dari depan sewaktu dia mencuri makanan ringan di dalam kedai.

Sekalipun Awal dan Awi kembar seiras, tetapi mereka mempunyai beberapa kelainan dari segi minat dan citarasa. Awal suka keluar malam bawa girlfriend, Ani makan-makan dan menonton wayang. Awi takutkan gelap dan bila malam terus tidur. Awi ada kereta tetapi Awi lebih selesa dengan motorsikal roda tiga yang diubahsuai dan mempunyai gear reverse. Awi pula jika memandu kereta dalam gear reverse sahaja. Awi diperkenalkan kepada Ani oleh abangnya dan dia terpikat melihat kejelitaan Ani. Awal jadi serba salah.

Awal memujuk Ani supaya berkahwin dengan Awi. Ani merajuk dan membawa diri. Apakah kesudahannya? Saksikan di pawagam, filem terbitan Metrowealth Movie Production "Kembar Siang" di pawagam berhampiran anda.

Kembar Siang tells us a story about the lives of an identical twin, Awal and Awi. Awal is the elder brother and Awi is the younger brother. Awal is normal but Awi is a little bit retarded and nerdy because he had a fever before. However, Awi has an extraordinary memory and mathematical skills. He always tutors Mazli and Izan, who are students that always accompany Awi. Awal and Awi inherit the house and grocery store that was left by their late father, Haji Sabran. The twins manage the grocery store together: Awal is the boss and Awi is the worker.

Their store has a competitor which is located across the street which is owned by Pak Din Duda but their late father has told them before that they must always be honest in business and always be friendly to the customers. This is a contrast to Pak Din Duda’s attitude and character who is always seeking opportunities for profits.  Pak Din Duda who has been widowed for three times has a worker named Mak Yam. Mak Yam is not paid on regular salaries but she is paid according to the commission for each sale. Mak Yam gets a little commission. Pak Din Duda has few customers because he has fewer goods and the stuffs are very expensive.

Pak Din Duda notices that Awi is a hardworking boy and wants him to work in his grocery store because he prefers resting to working. Pak Din Duda comforts Awi and promises to find Awi a pretty girl to be Awi’s wife. However, Pak Din Duda’s secret was revealed when he himself cannot differentiate which is Awi and which is Awal. At times, he accidentally talks to Awal, whom he thinks it’s Awi.

Ani, who is Awal’s girlfriend doesn’t know that her boyfriend has an identical twin. Ani was stunned when she saw Awal who is a “taukeh”, boss or a shop manager carrying a gas cylinder and groceries, riding on a three-wheeled motorcycle. Ani starts to doubt Awal and thinks that he is hiding something.

A drug addict who wants to rob Awal and Awi’s house screamed because he was shocked when he saw Awi who was sleeping in the room earlier, standing at the stall outside the house when he wanted to escape. Another day, the same person screamed when he saw Awi who went to the toilet behind the store, suddenly approached him at the front when he was stealing food in the store.

Although Awal and Awi are identical twins, they have some differences in terms of interests and tastes. Awal likes to go out at night with his girlfriend, Ani, to eat or catch a movie. Awi however, doesn’t like the dark and whenever the night comes, he will immediately go to bed. Awal has a car but Awi is more comfortable with his three-wheeled motorcycle that is modified and has a reverse gear. Awi will only use the reverse gear when he is driving a car.  Awi is introduced to Ani by his brother and he was captivated by Ani’s beauty. Awal feels guilty.

Awal comforts Ani to marry Awi and this made Ani sulked. They did not see each other for quite some time. What the end of this story? Will Ani get married with Awi? Don’t forget to see what happen next in KEMBAR SIANG in cinema near you.